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1. “Linguistics, Literary and Intercultural studies” Curriculum

It aims to promote the study of two Languages and their respective Literature, among those offered in the study plan. All “Language” courses include a language laboratory associated to the chosen languages. The study of “Languages” and “Literature” will have as its essential foundation the learning of the methods of linguistics, philology and literary criticism.
The curriculum also promotes the knowledge of cultural realities, expressed by the languages studied, in function of intercultural training with the acquisition of historical and geographical knowledge. It thus opens employment opportunities in cultural services and institutions, as well as in publishing. 


2. International curricula:

Italian-German Bilateral Studies 
The University of Florence offers the curriculum Italian-German Bilateral Studies / Deutsch-Italienische Studien in collaboration with the University of Bonn. The curriculum can be chosen both for the Bachelor’s degree (Course L-11) and for the Master’s degree (Course LM-37), and has as its concrete aim parallel education in two different cultures.

Admissions call to the Italian-German Bilateral Studies Curriculum of the bachelor’s degree in Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies (L-11).

Italian-Hungarian Bilateral Studies
(site under construction)
The University of Florence offers the possibility to obtain the double academic title in collaboration with:

1) Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, with the abbreviation ELTE):

  • In Florence:  enrolment in the Italian-Hungarian Bilateral Studies Curriculum of the degree Course in Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies; 
  • In Budapest: enrolment in Romanisztika alapszak Olasz szakirány (three years in Romance Studies with specialization in Italian Studies) or in Magyar alapszak (three years in Hungarian Studies);
  • Curriculum Coordinators: Prof. Beatrice Tottossy (Florence) and Prof. Giampaolo Salvi (Budapest).

2) Debreceni Egyetem  (University of Debrecen, Hungary, abbreviated in UNIDEB):

  • In Florence: enrolment in the Italian-Hungarian Bilateral Studies Curriculum of the degree program in Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies;
  • In Debrecen: enrolment in Újlatin nyelvek és kultúrák alapszak (BA), Olasz szakirả̕̕ny (Romance Philology specialized in Italian Studies, BA) or Magyar alapszak (Hungarian Language and Literature, BA);
  • Curriculum Coordinators: Prof. Beatrice Tottossy (Florence) and Prof. László Pete (Debrecen).

The study paths aim at parallel education in the Italian and Hungarian cultures. Interested students can continue their studies with the double degree at the master’s level (bilateral studies) (course LM-37). 

Admissions calls to the Italian-Hungarian Bilateral Studies curricula of the bachelor's degree in Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies (L-11).




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